Saturday, October 25, 2008

Check Out My Mind, Yo

Another segment on random crap that's been going through my head:
  • It's funny when the 10 year olds in my fourth grade class think Obama might be Muslim. It's pathetic when adults do.

  • I would like to talk to Gov. Palin in private and see if she really talks like that. I'm just curious.

  • What the hell is up with people who are still not ashamed of having supported Bush? I still see "W" stickers on peoples' cars! Are they asking for road rage? Are they unaware of the state of the country? Are they the same type of people who swim in shark infested waters to prove they don't care? I really, really would like to know what is happening in their thick skulls. Do they believe we will admire their stubborn support of Dubya?

  • I also think people who voted for Bush TWICE should not be able to vote. They are obviously mentally challenged.

  • If you have voted for Bush twice, you are not allowed to have an opinion on this election. Especially those of you saying Obama is "inexperienced". I hereby revoke your right to judge anyone else. Ever. You had your chance and you voted for Dumbass-in-Chief. Now the country's in the crapper. Go away. You are terrible at this "judgement of character"-thing.

  • I know I'm not supposed to let politics get in the way of my friendships, but I want to punch people who support McCain/Palin. McCain-who chose Sarah "she-Bush" Palin. McCain-who is allowing these robocalls to scare people into thinking Obama is a terrorist. McCain-who is trying to tag "socialist" on Obama. I'm sorry, but no. If you are choosing McCain at this point, I have to rethink our relationship. I think we need a break.

  • I was so disappointed to see John Elway support McCain. What the heck? I think I'm generally disappointed whenever anybody supports McCain right now.

  • Elizabeth Hassleback needs a bitch-slap. Hold me back.

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Like everyone else, I am going to die. But the words – the words live on
for as long as there are readers to see them, audiences to hear them. It is
immortality by proxy. It is not really a bad deal, all things considered.
-J. Michael Straczynski

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