Thursday, January 24, 2008

TOP FIVE...Lamest Reasons to Leave a Team

Thank you Scott Rolen- my inspiration for this Top Five. I wanted to do a Top Ten, but it was so tedious. There are only so many lame excuses you can find to leave a team.

5.)I want my kids to have a better education in "insert city".

There aren't any major league teams in Alabama or Kentucky. Chances are, wherever the heck you play Major League Baseball, there will be a fantastic school district to put your kids in. This is not only a lame reason to leave a team, it's also an excellent way of making us resent your kids.

4.)I feel like I've done everything I need to do with this team.

Really? Is there a plane ride that involved strip poker and farm animals that we don't know about? Come now, you couldn't have possibly done everything you needed to do with this team.

3.)The fans don't like me.

It's not the fans. It's you. There's probably a good reason the fans don't like you, and if there isn't you're apparently overly sensative anyway. So in the end, the fans trusted their instincts and you proved them right. Bravo (*slow mocking clap*).

2.)They just won the Championship. I'm on their side now!

I'm looking at you, Edgar. How dare you leave us for the Red Sox. Not only did you jump on the bandwagon after they won, you jumped on the bandwagon that ran us over in the process! I'm not a big fan of guys who want in on the winning parade. Although I still love Edgar and wished he had enjoyed that WS win in '06 with us, I still can't believe that he left us for them.

1.)I don't get along with another player or coach.

Oh my god, get the F over yourself. Unless the other player or coach took your wife as their mistress and sold your kids to a circus, you are a grown man capable of doing your job-in a game you love-with the amount of money you make. I'm sure every team has douche bags and everybody learns to live with it as long as you're winning.

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Like everyone else, I am going to die. But the words – the words live on
for as long as there are readers to see them, audiences to hear them. It is
immortality by proxy. It is not really a bad deal, all things considered.
-J. Michael Straczynski

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